September 10, 2024

Co-Managed IT Services: A Collaborative Approach for Businesses

Bones Ijeoma

CEO and co-founder

Co-managed IT services allow businesses to combine their internal IT team with external support, offering a flexible solution to fill skill gaps, enhance security, and reduce IT costs.

Running a business isn’t easy, especially when it comes to keeping your technology running smoothly. Whether you're dealing with day-to-day IT headaches, worried about cybersecurity threats, or simply trying to manage your systems on a tight budget, you’ve likely felt the frustration of trying to do it all.

This is where co-managed IT services step in. It’s a collaborative approach that allows businesses to have the best of both worlds—access to expert IT support while still maintaining control over their systems and operations. In this blog, we’ll explore what co-managed IT services are, how they can benefit your business, and why you should consider implementing them.

What is co-managed IT?

Co-managed IT is a flexible service model that fills the gaps between your internal IT team’s capabilities and the advanced expertise and resources that a managed service provider (MSP) offers.

Whether your internal team is small, overworked, or simply lacking in specific areas like cybersecurity or cloud services, co-managed IT gives your business the best of both worlds—your team keeps the reins on day-to-day operations while the MSP supplements and supports them where needed.

How does it work?

Co-managed IT services work by allowing your business to customize the level of support and services provided by the MSP. This can range from basic monitoring and maintenance to more complex tasks like managing cybersecurity threats or implementing new technology solutions. The internal IT team retains control over their areas of expertise while also gaining access to expert guidance, resources, and tools from the MSP.

Let's discuss a common business situation as an example. Say your business has a small IT team responsible for managing your network, maintaining hardware and software, and providing basic technical support to employees. However, when it comes to cybersecurity, your team lacks the expertise and resources to effectively protect your systems from cyber threats. This is where co-managed IT services can help.

With co-managed IT, your internal team can work closely with the MSP to develop and implement a comprehensive cybersecurity plan that meets the specific needs of your business. The MSP can also provide ongoing monitoring and management of your systems to ensure they are secure and up-to-date. Meanwhile, your internal team can focus on their core responsibilities without being burdened by tasks outside of their expertise.

How is co-managed IT different from traditional managed IT?

Unlike traditional fully managed services where the MSP takes complete control over your IT, co-managed IT provides a balance. You don’t need to hand over everything—your internal team stays in control, managing core business operations while the MSP fills in the gaps.

Co-managed IT allows you to customize the arrangement based on your specific business needs. Whether it’s network support, disaster recovery, or cloud integration, co-managed services can be tailored to support your internal team without having to hire extra full-time staff.

An MSP company offering co-managed IT services.

Disadvantages and advantages of co-managed IT services

As with any business decision, there are pros and cons to consider when choosing co-managed IT services for your organization.


  • Cost-effective: Co-managed IT allows you to access the expertise of an MSP without having to pay for a full-time employee. This can result in significant cost savings for your business.
  • Scalability: As your business grows, so do your IT needs. With co-managed services, you have the flexibility to scale up or down as needed without any major disruptions.
  • Customization: With co-managed services, you have control over which aspects of your IT infrastructure you want to outsource. This allows you to create a customized arrangement that meets the specific needs of your business.
  • Increased efficiency: By utilizing the expertise of an MSP, your internal team can focus on their core responsibilities without being burdened by tasks outside of their expertise. This can lead to increased productivity and efficiency within your organization.


  • Communication challenges: Co-managed IT requires effective communication between your internal team and the MSP. If communication is not managed properly, it can lead to misunderstandings and delays in resolving issues.
  • Potential conflicts: With co-managed services, there may be a potential for conflicts to arise between your internal team and the MSP. This can be avoided by clearly defining roles and responsibilities from the start.
  • Limited control: While co-managed services allow you to customize which aspects of your IT infrastructure you want to outsource, you may still have limited control over the day-to-day operations. This can be a concern for some organizations who prefer to have full control over their IT operations.
  • Dependency on the MSP: Your organization will become dependent on the MSP for certain aspects of your IT infrastructure. If the relationship with the MSP deteriorates or they go out of business, it could cause significant disruptions and challenges for your organization.
Co-managed IT services consultation.

Top co-managed IT services

Some of the top services that co-managed IT provides include:

Proactive maintenance and monitoring

This involves the managed service provider (MSP) regularly monitoring and maintaining your IT infrastructure to identify and resolve potential issues before they escalate into major problems. By taking a proactive approach, MSPs can help prevent downtime and ensure your systems run smoothly and efficiently.

For example, consider a scenario where an MSP detects an unusual spike in server activity. By investigating promptly, they might discover that a hardware component is nearing failure. The MSP can then replace the component before it fails completely, avoiding potential data loss or significant operational disruption.


Co-managed IT services also include cybersecurity measures to protect your organization's systems and data from cyber threats. This can include implementing strong firewalls, conducting regular security assessments, and providing employee training on best cybersecurity practices.

Additionally, MSPs can provide 24/7 monitoring of your networks and systems for any suspicious activity or potential breaches. They can also assist in creating and implementing disaster recovery plans to minimize the impact of a cyber-attack.

Cloud solutions

Many organizations are turning to cloud solutions as a way to increase efficiency and reduce costs. Co-managed IT services can help organizations migrate their data and applications to the cloud, providing ongoing support and maintenance.

MSPs can also assist in choosing the right cloud solutions for your organization's specific needs, whether it's public, private, or hybrid clouds. This allows you to leverage the benefits of the cloud while still maintaining control over your data and systems.

IT helpdesk and support

In addition to proactive monitoring and maintenance, co-managed IT services also include responsive IT helpdesk support for your employees. This means that if any issues arise, your employees can reach out to the MSP for timely assistance.

Having an experienced team of IT professionals available for support reduces downtime and allows your employees to focus on their core tasks without worrying about technical issues. MSPs can also provide remote or on-site support depending on your organization's needs.

Network cabling and infrastructure

Co-managed IT services also cover the physical infrastructure of your organization's network, such as cabling and equipment installation. This ensures that your network is set up properly from the start and can support the technology needs of your organization.

MSPs can also assist with upgrading or expanding your network infrastructure as your business grows and evolves. They have the expertise to design and implement a secure and efficient network that meets your current and future needs.

A group of co-managed IT experts.

Embracing co-managed IT services with AllSafe IT

Many businesses with a small or overworked IT team find that a co-managed model helps them maintain control over their IT operations while benefiting from expert support. It’s not about replacing your team—it’s about empowering them to succeed and keeping your business running at peak performance.

By working with an MSP like AllSafe IT, you can have peace of mind knowing that your IT systems and data are secure and your technology is always up-to-date. We understand that every organization has unique needs, which is why we offer flexible and customizable co-managed IT services to fit your specific requirements.

Invest in reliable managed service today

At the end of the day, co-managed IT services offer the best of both worlds for businesses seeking reliable and expert support without sacrificing control over their technology. With a trusted MSP, you can focus on running your business while leaving the technical aspects to the experts.

Don't wait for a major IT issue to arise before considering co-managed services – take a proactive approach and see the benefits for yourself. Contact AllSafe IT today to learn more about how we can support your organization's technology needs through our co-managed IT services.

Frequently asked questions

What are the pros and cons of co-managed IT services?

Co-managed IT offers a cost-effective way to enhance your internal IT department without fully outsourcing your IT operations. Advantages of co-managed IT include scalability, proactive support, and specialized expertise. However, the cons of co-managed IT vs fully managed services may involve potential communication gaps if roles are not clearly defined between your in-house team and the external provider.

Do I need co-managed IT for my business?

If your internal IT department is overworked or lacking in specific expertise, such as cybersecurity or cloud services, you may need co-managed IT to fill those gaps. This service model allows you to retain control over day-to-day operations while benefiting from the advanced support of a co-managed IT partner.

How does the co-managed IT model work?

The co-managed IT model involves partnering with an MSP to share IT responsibilities. Your internal team will handle routine tasks and help desk support, while the MSP manages more complex tasks like network monitoring or disaster recovery. This model allows businesses to customize the level of support they receive based on their specific needs.

What is the cost of co-managed IT services?

The co-managed IT cost varies depending on the size of your business, the services you require, and the gaps that need to be filled within your existing IT team. Generally, the cost of co-managed services is more affordable than hiring additional in-house IT staff, offering a flexible solution to meet your business goals.

How do I choose the right co-managed IT service model for my business?

Choosing the right IT service model depends on your business’s specific needs. If your internal IT team doesn’t have the expertise or resources to manage your growing IT infrastructure, working with the right MSP can help you find the best co-managed IT solutions. This ensures that your business operations run smoothly without overburdening your in-house team.