This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
August 29, 2020
CEO and co-founder
You should plan ahead for downtime if you have employees. A business continuity solution is the answer. It’s cost effective and easy to manage.
While these natural disasters affect millions of people every year, many more have to deal with the devastating repercussions of everyday disasters such as human error, cryptolocker and power outages. In fact, about one-third of small and mid-sized businesses will experience a disruption to their operations lasting 24 hours or more.
What’s more frightening for your business operations than a natural disaster? Your employees. In fact, an estimated 58% of downtime is due to human error. So if you’ve been putting off implementing data protection because you consider yourself in a safe zone, think again. It is far more likely that the klutz in Marketing (you know the one) trips on that essential power cord than Mother Nature comes after your server. To sum it all up: If you have employees, you’d better plan ahead for downtime.
Consider this:
Connect with us today to learn more about the best business continuity solutions for your business.